Jerry del Rio
Agent | Broker

Jerry del Rio

Jerry has been opening doors for clients for the past 30 years. As a life-long resident of Baton Rouge, she is familiar with every area of the city. She has 4 grown children and 13 grandchildren. Her family life often crosses over into her business in real estate. Many clients that she helps with their estate needs become some of her closest friends. Her clients appreciate her ability to always find a great home for years to come or for a short while. She is very involved in the community and was named one of the 2010 Influential Women in Business while being President of the Greater Baton Rouge Board of Realtors. Being a realtor comes naturally to Jerry as she truly loves people and enjoys introducing them to Baton Rouge. She provides valuable insight to her clients while assisting them in either selling or buying a home. She works diligently with clients to provide the best service while providing a little something extra... friendship!